"The Pyrokinetics of Company 1" ( 第1能力者たち, Dai Ichi Nōryokusha Tachi) "Operation: Infiltrate Company 1" ( 第1潜入作戦, Dai Ichi Senyū Sakusen) "Commence Investigation of Company 1" ( 第1調査開始, Dai Ichi Chōsa Kaishi) "Where the Inferno is Born" ( 焔の生まれる所, Homura no Umareru Tokoro) "The Flower of Promise" ( 約束の火華, Yakusoku no Hibana) "The Knight Erring" ( 騎士の不覚, Kishi no Fukaku)

But when Iris ends up being abducted by Hibana when she confronts her former friend, the group mount a rescue mission that places them in conflict with Company 5. Company 8 are forced to allow Hibana to take Miyamoto into custody to experiment on. During their encounter with Setsuo Miyamoto, a murderous fire fighter who retained his sense of self after turning into an Infernal, Company 8 encounters Special Fire Force Company 5 under the command of Princess Hibana. Shinra later learns that Company 8 was established to investigate the other Special Fire Force Companies since they operate independently and may be deliberately concealing information about human combustion that could end the Infernal threat. Shinra encounters Joker when he interferes in the Rookie Fire Soldier games, revealing to the youth that his younger brother Sho Kusakabe is still alive while tempting him into an alliance to learn further secrets behind the Fire Force. "The Holy Woman's Resolve" ( 聖女の決意, Seijo no Ketsui) "Company 5 and Company 8" ( 第5と第8, Dai Go to Dai Hachi) "The Hero and the Princess" ( ヒーローと姫, Hīrō to Hime) "An Infernal with a Will" ( 意志を持つ"焔ビト", Ishi wo Motsu "Homura Bito") "Company 8's Quarry" ( 第8が追うもの, Dai Hachi ga Ou Mono) "Seeking the Truth" ( 真実を求めて, Shinjitsu o Motomete) "The Devil and the Joker" ( 悪魔とJOKER, Akuma to Jōkā) "The Evil that Knows the Truth" ( 真実を知る悪意, Shinjitsu wo Shiru Akui) Shinra also encounters a mysterious pyrokinetic named Joker, who previously observed Company 8 before revealing himself out of an interest in Shinra. Meeting his fellow recruit Arthur Boyle while learning of the Rookie Fire Soldier games, Shinra encounters Tamaki Kotatsu of Special Fire Force Company 1 and her captain Leonard Burns, whom he recognizes as the man who saved him twelve years ago. During his first mission, Shinra recalls the events that him got blamed for a fire that killed his family twelve years ago while cementing his desire to become a hero. Shinra Kusakabe, a youth dubbed "Devil's Footprints" due to his power of igniting his feet at will, joins Special Fire Force Company 8, a specialized fire brigade of pyrokinetics under Captain Obi who destroy humans turned into mindless Infernals. "The Rookie Fire Soldier Games" ( 消防官新人大会, Shōbōkan Shinjin Taikai) "The Sinister Blasphemer" ( 怪しき冒涜者, Ayashiki Bōtokusha) "The Heart of a Fire Soldier" ( 消防官の心, Shōbōkan no Kokoro) "The Devil, the Knight, and the Witch" ( 悪魔と騎士と魔女, Akuma to Kishi to Majo) "Shinra Kusakabe Joins the Force" ( 森羅 日下部 入隊, Shinra Kusakabe Nyūtai)